Katharine McAfee Parker Society Gold
ALL A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9
KMPS Recognition Salutation
AAA Club Alliance Inc
Bill Enright and Edith Enright
James P. Fadely '75 and Sally Fadely
Isaac Fokuo '98 and Patti Emshwiller Fokuo '98
German American Bancorp
Greenebaum Doll & McDonald PLLC
Lynn Nichols Hall '82 and Chris Hall
David Hill '81 and Susan Goering Hill '81
Jane Jakoubek
Kiwanis Foundation
Bart Luedeke '64 and Linda Patton Luedeke '64
Clay Morris '65 and Barbara Morris
Bob Myers '56 and Noushi Mohandes Myers '56
Rick Nicholas '72 and Ellen Nicholas
Eric Plinke '89 and Lori Newlin Plinke '89
Jonathan Smith and Stephanie Smith
Judy Beneville Spencer '64 and Rik Spencer (d)
The Coca-Cola Company
Brenda Igo Townes '67 and Waverly Townes
Sue Weissinger '69