KMPS Recognition Salutation |
AAA Club Alliance Inc |
Bill Enright and Edith Enright |
James P. Fadely '75 and Sally Fadely |
Isaac Fokuo '98 and Patti Emshwiller Fokuo '98 |
German American Bancorp |
Greenebaum Doll & McDonald PLLC |
Lynn Nichols Hall '82 and Chris Hall |
Anonymous |
David Hill '81 and Susan Goering Hill '81 |
Jane Jakoubek |
Kiwanis Foundation |
Bart Luedeke '64 and Linda Patton Luedeke '64 |
Clay Morris '65 and Barbara Morris |
Bob Myers '56 and Noushi Mohandes Myers '56 |
Rick Nicholas '72 and Ellen Nicholas |
Eric Plinke '89 and Lori Newlin Plinke '89 |
Jonathan Smith and Stephanie Smith |
Judy Beneville Spencer '64 and Rik Spencer (d) |
The Coca-Cola Company |
Brenda Igo Townes '67 and Waverly Townes |
Sue Weissinger '69 |